Sqeezing in another race before the end of 2015. This last weekend it was the 7th annual Jingle Bell Run to support the Wrightsville Beach Museum of History, one of the extraordinary landmarks on the loop.
The course was basically ‘the loop’ (2.45 mile of sidewalk built in the heart of Wrightsville Beach) with a small modification to make the 5K distance. I’m partial to the atmosphere of 5K ‘s, particularly because they are significantly family oriented. This one was no different, except that Saturday’s event looked alot like Christmas. Not so much me, but look at my friends in these adorable outfits! New clothing line for Nike?
We might have run at the beach, but a winter wonderland was created with costumes like these ‘stretching’ snowflakes…
Oh my you’re looking fit!
Do you remember that fairy tale about runaway food? This family won a prize for their costumes depicting the characters from the Gingerbread man, originally written in 1875.Hmm… who left these elves off the shelf?
The weather was anything but frightful..blue skys and abundant sunshine. Here I am post run posing with my recovery, banana and a bottle of water.
And on the podium receiving my prize for finishing first in my age division with a overall time 23:39 and a 7:38 pace. Results, here.
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