My new favorite sports nutrition product goes to …
… for their non-fat drinkable yogurt, aka filmjolk.
Disclosure: I am a siggi’s ambassador. By including siggis in my blog post I am eligible to win a trip to FNCE in Boston. I was not compensated for my time. Opinions are my own.
A staple of Sweden, now filmjölk is a staple in my home. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the Scandinavian dairy tradition, it’s a version of kefir. If you’re a sports enthusiast, take note: this is a BIG league recovery drink that supports a healthy digestive system! I stock my refrigerator with both raspberry and vanilla. After a 5 mile run, drinking 8 ounces of the raspberry flavored smoothie starts my recovery process
which includes rehydrating and replacing electrolytes lost during exercise (8 ounces provides 120 mg sodium and 240 mg potassium); preparing for tomorrow’s run by replacing glycogen stores (8 ounces provides 22 grams of carbohydrate); and repairing lean muscle with high quality protein (8 ounces provides 8 grams of milk protein.) Now here’s the icing on the cake, it’s also rich in probiotic cultures (1 billion probiotics per serving)! The tangy taste makes filmjölk the bomb!
sugar, aspartame, gelatin, artifical colorings , preservatives, or high fructose corn syrup. I think being active and eating healthy should be simple and straighforward. Thank you siggi’s, for facilitating my healthy lifestyle.
Julie Harrington says
My favorite! I’ve been adding it to my smoothies every morning!