My latest discovery to help people eat healthier .. local farm fresh produce that’s delivered to your doorstep from April-November.
Disclosure: I am partnering with The Produce Box, mentioned in this post. I have received a produce box free of charge. I am reciprocating by writing this blog post to inform my readers of the service (and because I’m passionate about health education). Opinions are my own.
I hear it all the time, I want to eat healthier. So today I’m sharing my advice to get it done. Hint, it involves supporting your local farmer. WIN! WIN! Enroll here and order a Produce Box weekly. Then use it. All of it.
It’s no secret, a diet high in fruits and vegetable can reduce the risk of disease and play an important role in weight management. Yet, Americans are falling short of meeting recommendations for fruit and vegetable consumption (5-a-day) and some individuals don’t consume vegetables daily (you know who you are).
Ordering a produce box (North Carolina Residents only) is easy and flexible. There are several box choices; you pick what best fits your needs. I choose the ‘Sprout’ box because it had so many of my family’s favorite salad making ingredients…
This weeks sprout box included:
2 heads of fresh Romaine Lettuce from the farm of Randy Massey in Castle County, NC
3 pickling cucumbers from Cliff Pilson, Cameron, NC
2 yellow squash from the farm of Randy Massey in Castle County, NC
5 cups organic green beans (or roughly 1 1/2 pounds) from Cottle Farms in Rose Hill, NC
1 pint of blueberries from American Blueberries, Rocky Point, NC
6 ounces blackberries from Sweet Southern AG, in Clinton, NC
The area manager, Robyn, also threw in an extra pint of blueberries and 2 beautiful ripe tomatoes, cause that’s how they roll!
My box was delivered on Thursday and we’ve consumed one head of Romaine lettuce ( in salads), along with 2 cucumbers and 1 tomato. We ‘re going to use the second head of Romaine lettuce this weekend in an entree salad with the yellow squash (shaved), the second tomato, the last cucumber (along with shrimp and corn and a sweet cilantro vinaigrette). The blueberries and blackberries are holding up great (still look fresh) and I will be serving them tonight with a little whipped cream for dessert.
Monday I’ll use the second yellow squash in kabobs. The green beans will get used up on Tuesday in a green bean casserole recipe that was included in my box. (Each Produce Box comes with storage usage tips and recipes that come in handy; I’m following the advice of storing unwashed green beans in a plastic bag in the refrigerator crisper where they should keep for up to 7 days.) Wednesday is the next delivery day and a new order of farm fresh fruits and vegetables! Join me in weekly meal planning around the fruits and vegetables in YOUR Produce Box!
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